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Transmission Lines and I thought it needed more prominence - another story about an SAE/EPT worker who made the journey to Australia. We may have some more photos to look at. Incidentally, I haven't been working much on the blog but I have some photographs from Giovanni Venturi which I will publish soon. I have also heard received a brief note from a former inspector who I will contact shortly.
Cara Linda,hoping you do speak and read italian I will write it in italian, if you dont understand please let me know and I will try to write it in english.Mi chiamo Marco Nanni, mio padre, morto nel 2003, si chiamava Umberto Nanni e venne in Australia nel 1954 insieme a mia madre per conto della SAE spa, approdando anche lui a Sidney e quindi inizialmente a Marayong. Era un geometra-topografo (surveyor) ed ha lavorato in molti dei progetti che hai menzionato nel blog e altri ancora. Io personalmente sono nato ad Adelaide nel 1959 al tempo dei progetti 275 Kv Port Augusta - Magill (Adelaide), della 132 Kv Port Augusta - Woomera e della prima antenna TV sul monte Lofty ad Adelaide di 513 ft.Ho moltissime foto di tutti i cantieri, personale, operai etc, almeno un 300 foto che vorrei sistemare e pubblicare online pensi possa interessare ?Dopo Adelaide ho vissuto i miei primi anni sul progetto 330 Kv Tumut-Yass, con campi a Wee Jasper, Goobragandra, Yarrangobilly, Mt.Kiandra fino a Cooma.Mi ha lasciato degli scritti autobiografici e molte lettere di lavoro con la EPT e EC, oltre che le foto di cui ti dicevo.Se pensi possa interessare fammi sapere...salutoni, marcoGoogle Translate says:My name is Marco Nanni, my father, who died in 2003, was named Umberto Nanni and came to Australia in 1954 with my mother on behalf of SAE spa, arriving in Sydney, and then he started at Marayong. He was a surveyor surveyor (surveyor) and has worked in many of the projects you mentioned in the blog, and more. I personally was born in Adelaide in 1959 to the time of the project 275 kV Port Augusta - Magill (Adelaide), 132 Kv of Port Augusta - Woomera and the first TV antenna on Mount Lofty in Adelaide of 513 ft.
I have a lot of photos of all the sites, staff, workers etc, at least 300 photos that I would like to fix and publish online you think might be of interest?
After Adelaide I lived my first years on the project 330 kV Tumut, Yass, Wee Jasper with fields, Goobragandra, Yarrangobilly, Mt.Kiandra to Cooma.
He left many letters and autobiographical writings of working with the EC and EPT, as well as photos of where I was saying.
If you think you might be interested let me know ...
Salutoni, marco