I was having dinner with my family at mum's place last night and needed to refer to an atlas. So I grabbed the Ampol Touring Atlas of Australia (4th edition, published in 1973) which has endured in the book shelves along with old school books and Readers' Digest editions classics. A yellowed sheet of paper slipped out while I was flipping through the maps. It turned out to be a list of place names where my father had worked. Another attempt at personal record keeping and I sometimes wonder if my father was worried about forgetting. Written in pencil in his ad hoc handwriting, there were new names on this list that aren't on the map or other records. My mother confirmed that the list represented places where my father had worked but that it wasn't complete - she noted a couple of places were not on the list. So I have a new source of information to cross reference with the other documents.
Cara Linda,
hoping you do speak and read italian I will write it in italian, if you dont understand please let me know and I will try to write it in english.
Mi chiamo Marco Nanni, mio padre, morto nel 2003, si chiamava Umberto Nanni e venne in Australia nel 1954 insieme a mia madre per conto della SAE spa, approdando anche lui a Sidney e quindi inizialmente a Marayong. Era un geometra-topografo (surveyor) ed ha lavorato in molti dei progetti che hai menzionato nel blog e altri ancora. Io personalmente sono nato ad Adelaide nel 1959 al tempo dei progetti 275 Kv Port Augusta - Magill (Adelaide), della 132 Kv Port Augusta - Woomera e della prima antenna TV sul monte Lofty ad Adelaide di 513 ft.
Ho moltissime foto di tutti i cantieri, personale, operai etc, almeno un 300 foto che vorrei sistemare e pubblicare online pensi possa interessare ?
Dopo Adelaide ho vissuto i miei primi anni sul progetto 330 Kv Tumut-Yass, con campi a Wee Jasper, Goobragandra, Yarrangobilly, Mt.Kiandra fino a Cooma.
Mi ha lasciato degli scritti autobiografici e molte lettere di lavoro con la EPT e EC, oltre che le foto di cui ti dicevo.
Se pensi possa interessare fammi sapere...
salutoni, marco
Hi Marco
Thanks for your comment and letting me know about your father. I ran your email through Google Translate and hope you can read English. If you have photos you'd like to share, I can post them on the blog. I don't have any contact details for you so please email me at lindacarroli[at]hotmail.com and we'll see what we can figure out.
Look forward to hearing from you.
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