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Marco also sent a list of the power line projects on which his father worked in the years 1954-1962, so that he could make contact with others who had worked on these projects.
- 66 Kv Maffra - Bairsdale (Victoria)
- 132 Kv Waterfall - MT.Keira (NSW)
- 132 Kv Blacktown - Lawson (NSW)
- 66 Kv Gundagai - Tumut
- 132 Kv TullyFalls - Townsville
- 220 Kv Colac-Keilor (Melbourne)
- 220 Kv Mt.Beauty - Bendigo
- 330 Kv Muswellbrook- Tamworth (Scone)
- 275 Kv Port Augusta - Magill (Adelaide)
- 132 Kv Port Augusta - Woomera Television tower Mt Lofty Ranges (Adelaide)
- 330 Kv-Yass Tumut
- 66 Kv Mt.Isa - Clocurry